Control Panels

Dashboards are tools designed to drive continuous improvement and facilitate decision making based on objective data.

They allow the efficiency and effectiveness of a company's equipment to be measured and provide real-time information on its health status, allowing corrective measures to be taken in a timely manner.

Measuring Compliance with Maintenance Programs

Dashboards are used to measure compliance with established maintenance programs and ensure optimal equipment operation.

Alignment with Goals and Strategic Plan

These dashboards allow you to align indicators and goals with the company's strategic maintenance plan, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.


Dashboards offer a number of advantages that boost efficiency and effectiveness in managing your equipment and assets. These advantages not only allow you to make informed decisions in real time, but also improve the quality of your operations and the productivity of your company.

Immediate Decision Making

Dashboards provide real-time information, facilitating immediate decision-making on faults and diagnostics performed on equipment.

Objective Measurement

They provide measurement criteria and objective indicators to control the efficiency and effectiveness of the teams.

Alignment with Objectives

They allow indicators and goals to be aligned with the objectives established when putting the equipment into operation.

Technological Adaptation

They facilitate the adaptation of the company to technological changes in its machinery, maintaining operational efficiency.


The benefits of using dashboards go beyond mere measurement and monitoring. These benefits translate into more efficient maintenance, more informed decision-making, and continuous improvement in your operations. Discover how this tool can make a difference in the reliability and performance of your assets.
